26 april 2012

Är det ljust eller motljus?

I dag hade jag förmånen att med 250-300 andra medmänniskor - som representerade företag, FN, myndigheter, NGOs mfl.

Det vi behandlade var det viktigaste som finns - våra barn (0-18år). Nu har Rädda Barnen, UNICEF och UN Global Compact - gjort ett gediget arbete, som resulterade i följande.


H.M. Drottning Silvia var där - vi i Sverige har äran att arrangera detta arrangemang - 40 år efter den första klimatkonferensen - 1972.

1.   Meet their responsibility to respect children´s rights and commit to supporting the human rights of children.

2.   Contribute to the elimination of child labour, including in all business activities and business relationships.

3.   Provide decent work for young workers, parents and caregivers.

4.   Ensure the protection and safety of children in all business activities and facilities.

Visst handlar det om att "ladda batterierna!"
Det handlar om att vi bryr oss mer
om varandra!

5.   Ensure that products and services are safe, and seek to support children´s rights through them.

6.   Use marketing and advertising that respect and support
children´s rights.

7.   Respect and support children´s rights in relation to the environment and to land acquisition and use.

8.   Respect and support children´s rights in security arrangements.

9.  Help protect children affected by emergencies.

10. Reinforce community and government efforts to protect and fulfil children´s rights.

Företag som har varit involverade i processen är IKEA, HM, SWEDBANK.

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